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[ The other little furry thing that keeps me awake at night. ]

I have neglected to mention the other rodent in my life. Asha had given him to me as a birthday present, and so far the best one I�ve ever had.

I named him Paris. He have became my favorite of the two critters. Not shy like Peabody, Paris would run along my arms and stand on my shoulders as if he�s completely fearless of falling. Even being the new hamster, he�s tam enough to run towards my hand most of the time when I reach into their glass covered home.

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< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01