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[ Penguins explained in 15 minutes. ]

"I just love your penguin strips. When did you first start drawing penguins anyway?"


Okay here it goes:


It�s not that dramatic, I started drawing penguins in 10th grade to avoid having to do �advance algebra II�. Instead of paying attention in class and turning myself into a productive member of society, I was doodling. I first got the penguin idea actually from a Eek the Cat cartoon when they�re on a bus full of penguins.

It was love at first sight.

The purpose at first was to make fun of my friends. Shiny shirt boy in the comics was a super hero I made up after my friend Jon Sykes showed up to bowling one time with a shiny shirt on. He was forever dubbed: The Shiny Shirt Boy. Every other character in the original comic was modeled after someone and everything was based on inside jokes.

This was the actual first comic that I drew:

it's a tad big for the diary, so click me

Later on people kept asking me to draw more penguins and I did. Eventually I even painted the penguin on our school wall. My theater tech director was not pleased with the way I was using the paint. It�s not supposed to be in yellow, some other rookie years later painted the penguin yellow.

That�s pretty much it; I lost passion in it for a while since I really just wasn�t funny for a stretch of time. I guess you call it a penguin block.

oh and the host is actually up today, so feel free to click everywhere

1 comments so far


< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01