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Would I really have to be in distress to accentuate those emotions into my writing?

I have been pondering that a lot lately. Everything in life seems to go in cycles and all in equal proportions. Meaning the amount that I am happy right now, I would be equally sunk into misery later. Maybe it is a very glum and pessimistic belief, but it sure had its share in my life.

Good, swell, great, wonderful, terrific, excellent, outstanding, marvelous, fabulous, magnificent, spectacular, super, and just slap on the knee kick in the crouch fantastic. Did you know that groovy shows up as a synonym for the word �great�?

"Why dahhling, I�m feeling groovy as ever."

Am I pressing my luck? What if I could be entirely content with feeling just plain dandy? I would love that. I�m not complaining here obviously. I had my share of dark nights. Times when your room is cluttered before you have to move out, dark corners, razor blades, dulling the pain by creating new ones. Feeling my best friend�s tear running down my shoulder as we part. Holding her in the rain under a tree the day before I moved away. Watching my dad being pushed away in a glass casket. Running along side with my mother at the airport with the glass wall dividing us. Knowing the night before my cat was gone he was slept on my side all night purring.

"God damn it Alan, just shut the hell up and enjoy life for once." �Alan

Let�s face it. The best music, the best works of art, the most soulful things in life is based of sorrow. Should I be appreciative that I have felt this much that we consider life? I just hope I do not take anything for granted, cause that, would really be depressing.

"Okay quit thinking now, its frolic time." -Alan

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< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01