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[ dear Anonymous. ]

You can tell my state of mind when I update by the type of update it is:

If I update with penguins then it means I'm bored.

If I respond to requests it means I worked all day and my mind is fudged out.

If I write short random things then it means I have penguin block.

If I write some long boring crap, then obviously: I can't sleep.

Today I will respond to a few anonymous comments (which by the way I changed to diaryland users only).

03-02-03"pssst... it's "wherefore art thou Romeo". But other that that nitpicky detail, it's very funny!"

Whoa, good call! Of course, they're typed by winged monkeys so I'm not exactly demanding perfection :).

03-03-03"Love the Carrot Top beating... but I don't agree with the MJ stuff. I think people should just leave Michael alone.. I know it's not gonna happen, but ah well."

Yup, I agree. If an artist can change music and dance the way that Michael Jackson does, I can careless about their personal life. His music and dance is the performance, the tabloid isn't. There isn't a single soul in the LA deep house scene that doesn't appreciate Michael Jackson. Myself included.

deleted comment

and there was some awesome highly constructive guy whom wished to mock penguins. Not my comics mind you, just penguins. Good lord slick, if you find your dumb ass back here all I have to say is: WHOOOOOOOO CARES

I asked strongbad to take care of the message for me.

and that's it for mr and mrs anonymous comments.

I did manage to squeeze some more penguins into my sketch book today. I drew this for her since she wanted flowers.

5 comments so far


< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01