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[ sandwich awareness week. ]

Krazypeng: so i got drunk as shit last night from poker for shots
Krazypeng: got home, puked, passed out, and my roommate ate my sandwich
Krazypeng: bastard
Krazypeng: i gotta get him back
KeatonMarks: WHAT KIND OF SANDWICH??!?@?@?
KeatonMarks: please tell me it wasnt meatball
KeatonMarks: mmmm.... sandwiches.....
Krazypeng: jack in the box chicken sandwich
Krazypeng: it's not much, but in a drunken stuper, it's fucking god sent
KeatonMarks: MARVOLOUS
Krazypeng: yeah dude
Krazypeng: he ate it
KeatonMarks: all i have right now is turkey... so bland.. but oh well
KeatonMarks: he ate it?..... that is un-forgivable
Krazypeng: i know, i woke up looking for the sandwich
Krazypeng: O_O and it was gone!
KeatonMarks: a jacks spicy chicken? my advice is never speak to him again
Krazypeng: LOL
KeatonMarks: mmm, mayonnaise may be the most increadible condiment ever created
KeatonMarks: with maybe the exception of sour cream or katsup
Krazypeng: i don't know man, catsup is pretty fucking cool
KeatonMarks: katsup is good for fries... but falls flat in the sandwich enhancing department
Krazypeng: yes
KeatonMarks: and all that really matters in life is sandwiches, so mayonnaise wins
KeatonMarks: dont even bother argueing, my explaination is flawless
KeatonMarks: I think this turkey may have been past its experation date.... i dont feel so well

later that day, I had someone distract my roommate on instant messanger. I snuck up behind him and pegged him in the back of the head with hamburger buns.

I win.

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goodbye - 2006-02-25
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