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groovebunny - 2003-05-13 18:19:04
Haha! Brilliant! ~Ta!
Taylor - 2003-05-13 18:20:09
Holy crap YES re: ET
Asha - 2003-05-13 18:30:42
http://smilies.jeeptalk.org/ups/kamikaze/et_hit.gif copy and paste! copy and paste! you know you want to! ET scared me too.
joey - 2003-05-13 21:28:21
the drawing are cute. funny. i agree with u on the whole et thing. i could never finish the movie when i was younger.
Kar - 2003-05-13 21:28:24
Haha. I have a friend who's mortally terrified of ET... actually kinda amusing.
ladybug123 - 2003-05-13 21:50:10
When I was little I used to think ET was scary. I don't know who ever thought that that freaky beast would ever appear friendly and nice to a little kid.
za - 2003-05-13 22:08:59
Oh that was a great picture, did you draw it yourself? I especially like the fish... lol, ET is scary!
Emily - 2003-05-13 23:09:37
OMG, brilliant! E.T. totally scares me, I first saw it when I was like 5, and now my 5-year-old sister is like obsessed. We rented it and waatched it like 20 times. over. and over. and over. Check out my diary, it's cool :-D
alex - 2003-05-15 10:09:02
so i saw et when i was three, and i thought ' e.t. ' was a really lame title for a movie -- mainly because no one told me what extraterrestrial meant. >> i also looked like drew barrymore when i was three, which was the major reason we HAD to see it. >> drew barrymore didn' t knot that et wasn' t real, and would have long conversations with him when they weren' t filming. so as not to cause her concern, the et puppet people would have him move a little, and blink and nod. drew' s a little funny.
masta - 2003-09-29 21:26:26
E.T. never scared me, my spanish teacher looks and acts like e.t-I'm Serious-the head shape,the craning neck, I'm kinda scared of her. Maybe I should offer her some Reese's Pieces...

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