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aresnaut - 2003-09-05 05:54:48
Meow. Now get your ass back in shape and start updating again. (insert lots of penguin noises and wing flapping) Whee
bong head - 2003-09-11 01:55:12
it sux m8s
dfgf - 2003-09-11 01:56:07
it is stupid
groovebunny - 2003-10-15 12:02:28
Heya. Long time no update. I hope things are going well for you.
KittenBrat - 2003-11-12 13:37:29
KP!!!! Please come back and update! I miss the penguins!
thepotato - 2003-12-25 15:41:19
Alan. Long time no..... whatever. Nice to see the penguin is still around. e-mail me sometime.
alex - 2004-01-03 02:46:44
DUDE! sewiouswy.
Christina - 2004-01-12 12:23:48
Yep, I'm with the rest of the penguin-loving crew... I want you to come back too.

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