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[ he's not that money. ]

"Bitches love money."

So I totally predicted the surprise ending. I thought he might have also said:

"By the way, I am gay."

The one girl said it best:

"Money won't make you suave or give you class."

That guy was just so "typical", but maybe that's why the producers picked him. It doesn't even take money to be open minded or cultured, but he's none of those. Which, to me is sad.

On a side note, I hate talking to friends just on the internet. Half the time I'm guessing their tone of voice and think they might be blowing me off when they might *NOT* be. That's just my rant for tonight.

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< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01