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[ a naked music afternoon. ]

The complete contradictory personality of individuals whom you have expected to be a certain "type" of person amazes me. A delightful contradiction at times.

We arrived at the rooftop of the Pasadena Museum of California on Saturday night for a party. I had won free VIP passes for this event so I was determined to make all that it�s worth pay off. Arriving way before our traditional party time of "we should get there around midnight", my roommate and I were the few of the people that showed up before sound check.

"Look at that girl with the hat walking across the street." I said while parking the car.

As it turns out she was headed towards the party as well. In fact, she is a friend of Joplin (our beautiful dj friend that always rocks the decks). This girl in question must have been one of the most attractive people I have ever met, perhaps the hottest girl in the history of girls.

In the beginning she was everything I thought she�d be: amazing dancer, deep passion for music, and hardcore party kid all around. A Californian native that grew up mostly in Vegas, of course she�s a hardcore party kid.

"After seven years it stopped being a vacation, it was a life style." She said.

We followed her and Joplin down to Hollywood to Wax Records on Melrose at 2 in the morning to do some after partying. Perhaps I�ve been too tired to enjoy myself fully, but the party seemed to drag on and on.

"We�re going to another after party later, you guys should come. This one will go till about 9"

Brian (the roommate) had a gig in the morning. Rats.

Here�s the part that contradicts everything I have thought she was. While we were just leaving the party, she mentions every Wednesday night she plays dungeons and dragon. In fact, she is a level 8 clergy with all kinds of spells. Let me sum this up. An incredibly beautiful girl with a Vegas party style and endless party energy plays a paper and dice game nerdier than I.

She certainly put a spell on me.

"Tell me when you�re going to Vegas the next time, I�ll show you how to do Vegas right."
"It�s a deal."

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< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01