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Kar - 2003-05-21 00:22:58
Ouchies. In a way, though... isn't hurting the right one better than the left?
Christina - 2003-05-21 03:35:42
I know you keep saying ET is a monster and a really scary one... but I can't but think "aw... CUTIE!!!" everytime I see your cartoons. I love them, don't stop making them!!! thank you, take care,
invalid - 2003-05-21 12:11:14
ok, so I am very tardy in replying to your note, sorry about that... but, yes, I was looking for you! Thank you for leaving me a note so I could find you again (I realized later that I was a total idiot and I could have just looked in my 'history folder' for your diary again... but I am lazy...). I sprained my thumb the same day I bought my PS2, so I had to just sit there with a stupid brace on my hand and watch my friends play MY new system without me. I was a tad pissed.
Lucy - 2003-05-21 18:12:12
Lmao, your penguin pics and diary made me laugh. Great page, man!

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