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[ filling another server space full of junk. ]

Why am I slacking to write some much. The reason is that because I don't have anything I need to distract myself from now (like homework and studying).

What does it matter? who reads the crap I write anyways. I bet if I just straight out wrote a bunch of gibberish, no one would even pick up on it.


Geebus Meebus, Doop de doop de lu. I'm gonna get naked right now and sacrifice a small goat. Slurpee, 7 Up, A&W, yum. Kyle iron candles sunglasses jacket ticket stub. Now I'm just listing shit that's laying around in my room.

See, did that work?


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< this way | that way >

Hello Again! - 2008-07-31
go here instead - 2006-03-14
goodbye - 2006-02-25
wow finally brought back - 2005-07-31
this is where i am now - 2004-12-01